How did you know???
You shouldn’t have . . . .
It’s even two colors! And the colors are red and green!
Those traditional Christmas colors, both of them! Awww!
And look at that extra sponginess in the grip.
This will really come in handy-handy while washing your plates after cooking your meals.
This is really just perfect, thank you!
People can be so thoughtful this time of year.
This sponge came in an eight-pack, and this sponge is the best of the best. A real Christmas-y treat.
Even the gift presentation was special, it was thrown up-side my head with a flourish.
There was even a quick mention (a hint?) of the yellow and green sponge from the multi-pack being thrown up-side my head at Easter, but we’d better not get over excited.
Who could possibly be having a better Christmas!?
Meanwhile, some folks are still waiting for things previously mentioned to the world,
something about being heard and understood.
But with a brand new sponge like this, who bothers to think anything about higher level needs like someone to talk to while washing dishes? As long as I can just talk to Jesus! Happy Birthday Jesus! Although we know your birth date was not exactly December 25th, but anyway, Christmas is no time for truth. Or talking.
Meet the new Christmas, same as the old Christmas. ’04, ’05, ’06, … ‘O Well . . .