Bennington Sports Complex
at the all-in-one Elementary / Middle / and High School campuses.
This is a small town in the middle of Kansas. Home of Chris Frank.
A general rule is that if the Elementary School, Middle School, and High School campuses are all on one plot of land then, You Betcha, it’s a small town!
Chris Frank. Chris Frank. Chris Frank. There, I said it. Let Google-bots devour the name.
He’s a big ol’ small town boy living in the big cities of the world nowadays. He’s a big old corn-fed fella, just as nice a peacable as he can be.
A favorite story about Chris tells about how a bit of trouble was brewing in a blues bar. It was past midnight and certain people were looking for trouble. One trouble maker told Chris that they could “take it outside and settle it”. And – here is the punchline – “and then Chris stood up”.
End of trouble, end of story.
Think about how big the guy is to stop a fight just by standing up.
It’s one of the funniest stories ever.