The kick-start to the “Best Summer Ever” pilgrimage season
gets a strong reception according to this fan from bontondom:
The above user-generated contribution to our dot-org effort came to bigbonton via email attachment, without specifics on the town and without details of the BBQ.
Looks like the midwest or northeast because of the hills, but heck, could be Atlanta, Georgia.
Anyone know this place? Please email us at replies to
Thanks to the Little Pigs marquee for the kind welcome to their traveling bontons. We appreciate their loving attention to good Q.
The sign says “hickory smoked with LOVIN’ CARE” and “genuine pit”, so we’ll bet that a Bar-B-Q sandwich from Little Pigs is going to be real-licious.
# # #
We have met Participatory Media and it is us! is becoming self-aware,
and so it continues in the “Best Summer Ever 2007”.
Flowers in your hair, people in motion, people in motion
(summer of love + 40)
Jah willing, our pilgrimage will include:
wineries in unexpected locales,
cheese dairies that love their goats and sheep (maybe too much?),
the SOHO kitchen table operational HQ’s of a boiled-peanut mogul,
any and every roadside produce vender (we make frequent stops),
transportation by watercraft (not for fun, by necessity),
ancient Chinese fried chicken bigwigs,
and all the other nitty-gritty of a full and meaningful life in Summer 2007. Hey baby, it’s June! Soon we’ll be singing,
“hey baby, it’s the fourth of July,
don’t give me the cheek, I want the lips!”
– paraphrased from 4th of July by the band “X”.
For your user-generated contributions use the email responder replies to
Dude, please spell check out of respect for words and readers.
Thank you,