been working weeks worth of words
now it’s lyrics to a Saturday night
an oyster roast soundtrack BiG bigbonton airwaves and the extra BiG means something
can you say zeitgeist lyric-a-paloosa another legendary oyster roast de la bontoniaville how do you think he does it I don’t know what makes him so good
Clue-train: It’s a mashup of classic lyrics. As such, one might dig it as best one can without reading too much into it, unless you think “shuffle” has the power of prophecy.
Guest Lyricists
OH, Sweet Sweet Jane
Heavenly wine widened roses whisper affections to me
aspirations, when you smile Sweet Jane
Jane-o-baby! Oh,
Standing on the corner, Suitcase in my hand
Ever lose your heart, turn around, been faked?
Sweet Jane! oh sweet sweet Jane!
Anyone who’s ever had a heart, Wouldn’t turn around and break it
Sweeeet sweeet Jane…

An island in your arms a country in your eyes
… Drive thru your Sunday suburbs…
Don’t ya love your face?
Don’t ya love her as she’s walking out the door?

There’ll be good times again for me and you
Don’t cha feel it too
But the music’s over, the music’s over here…
When the music is over, turn out the lights. Turn out the lights!
Music is your only friend, until the end.
You either sits on it, sells it, or loves with it.
Turn off your lights relax and float downstream,
lucky little lady in the city of light
another lost angel city of nights city of nights city of nights
Cops in cars, topless bars
Never saw a woman…
So alone, so alone lone lone
My oh my, you sure know how to arrange things.
You set it up so well, so tenderly
Ain’t it funny how your new life didn’t change things,
you’re still the same ol’ girl you used to be.
She came in through the bathroom window
Protected by a silver spoon
She would steal but she could not rob
Something to tell you, you make it show.
Let me come over, I know you know
When you dance, I can really love.
Don’t f-around, you should be kind,
Step inside, open wide. It’s the loner
When you dance,
Do your senses tingle?
Then take a chance?
Sleep little darling don’t you cry and I will sing a lullaby
I certainly know the lyrics
Once there was a way to get back home
you were thinking of me about me
like the flower needs the rain you know I need you
you’ll never forget – until somebody new comes along
put a candle in the window
’cause as long as I can see the light
the sun is mine (but not the sky)
– END Guest Lyricists Input –
Wow, that was cryptic! Maybe “someone” should get back to work writing posts and not farm out the task to the DJ.
“One can delegate authority but not responsibility”
Cheat Sheet:
Cowboy Junkies / Velvet Underground, The Doors, Carol King, Eagles, Beatles, (pre-disco) Bee Gees, CCR, Pearl Jam