The latest trendiest epicurean experience involves being a local-vore while demonstrating how pristine yet down-to-earth one is.
To document the result, here’s a photo of our chic culinary experience at Chez Tile, circa Summer 2010.
* Local baby tomatoes – chosen for their ability to best represent their field. These particular ones are in their 95th percentile.
* Bread – starts doughy but when baked and brushed with butter it becomes brown crispness. A metamorphosis reminiscent of a Japanese tea service.
* Cheese – it’s cheese, not Kraft “cheese-food” and since it’s melted, it’s good. Nuff said.
* Beer – embodiment of the Czech notion of “liquid bread.”
* Water – now we’re getting into the elite-ness of the moment… this water is from the tap. Why is tap water this season’s mod barometer? Oh, don’t be so last week. If we must explain the obvious, read on.
* The plate is on the floor of a simulated bathroom.
Again, I said, the food is served on what represents a bathroom floor.
Why? Because it’s all so well cared for that “you can eat off the floor.” Voila, here’s your proof.
The Chef has taken the old phrase and acted on it, brought it to life for us to enact.
Are you sold on it? Don’t be left out.
Sit on the tile floor (on a towel) and act bored with this season’s new black, the au courant chic culinary experience, circa Summer 2010.